Sunday, January 08, 2006

I'm Lazy

There are so many things that happen over the course of every week that I have opinions on. I don't know how one person could possibly end up with so many opinions. Somehow I never end up taking the time to post my opinons here, though. I'm just lazy.

I think it's very important to take the time to list out some of these opinions. There are several reasons why. Perhaps most importantly, taking the time to write out my opinions forces me to think through my opinions far more than what most people would normally do. This either causes me to consider angles that had previously not occurred to me and as a result change my opinion or it causes me to feel more certain about my conclusion. In either case I end up more comfortable with my opinion. I think it's also important from a historical standpoint to document what my beliefs are. I don't have the best memory in the world. The things that I remember I tend to remember with extreme clarify but there are a lot of issues that for whatever reason just don't stick in my mind long term. I'd like to be able to look back over time and see if my beliefs and opinions have changed and if so how. I think that will be very interesting to do years from now. Or even for my children to one day be able to see what their dad believed and why. I wonder what they'll think.

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