Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Obama Yomomma

Reports out today say that in a book Barack Obama wrote in 1995 entitled Dreams of My Father that he admitted to cocaine use. Most people that I usually line up with politically are, I'm sure, outraged. Me? I honestly don't think it's a big deal.

Let me say a couple of things before people jump to conclusions. I'm not in favor of drug use. I've never used drugs myself - never even tried them. But I don't think the fact that Obama tried cocaine when he was reportedly in his late teens or early twenties means that much. If he still used drugs or if he looked back on that time wistfully then that would be one thing. But to say, yeah, I did it, I made some mistakes, don't make the mistakes that I made - which is totally the attitude that it sounds like he has - then that just doesn't seem like a big deal to me. We've all made mistakes and having made a mistake in a previous life shouldn't necessarily make you unworthy to serve as an elected official. Especially not when it's a mistake that most other elected officials have probably also made.

Another word on Obama since he's grabbing so many headlines nowadays. I like the dude. I won't be voting for him in the Presidential election. I disagree with him on way too many issues. I genuinely like the guy, though. He seems like someone I could work with one day. The same goes for Harold Ford, Jr. I wouldn't have voted for him for Senate in TN either but what I know of him, I like the guy. We need good people in elected office, regardless of their past mistakes.

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