Tuesday, February 08, 2005


I'm glad someone finally sees it my way. I can only hope that he's overly pessimistic when he says that because of his views he'd "never get elected in the first place." These are the type of people that we need in government: people who are willing to make short term sacrificies for long term gain.

That's a major source of my frustration with so many in the Republican party. It seems that they agree with these ideas in principle but when it comes to possibly making a short term sacrifice (losing re-election) then they're far too willing to compromise those beliefs. I would how much long term gain we've all missed because of this willingness to compromise.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

More Iraq Madness

I've discussed what's going on in Iraq with so many different people on so many different levels that I almost don't want to get into it. Then today I read the following line from MSNBC.com.

"Iraq’s leading Sunni Muslim clerics said Wednesday the country’s landmark elections lacked legitimacy because large numbers of Sunnis did not participate in the balloting, which the religious leaders had asked them to boycott."

Does anything else really need to be said about the situation?

UPDATE: 1/10/2006 7:14PM
I was looking back through some old posts trying to add the newly supported labels and I was reading through the article that is reference here. Apparently sometime between when I originally made this post and now the article I liked to has changed. They've toned down their language slightly. I guess they realized how ridiculous it made the opposition in Iraq look. The arcile now reads:

"Because many Sunnis stayed away from the polls, influential Sunni clerics — including many who had called for a boycott — are now challenging the legitimacy of the balloting and the government that will emerge from it."

That's makes them sound far less hypocritical and is honestly probably far less accurate.